In case you don't know what I'm talkin bout Willis, Game of Thrones is on Sunday nights. For 10 weeks anyway. p.s. when did 10 hours become a SEASON?
I guess when each episode takes $197 million dollars to film.
Don't worry anyone who hasn't watched, only vague spoilers laid down here.
George RR Martin promises on his blog, Not A Blog, that the show and the books will end up at the same place in the end. Why he keeps getting interviewed everywhere instead of FINISHING WRITING THE NEXT BOOK? Is beyond me.
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"Shireen did not leave the cockadoodee castle!" |
What/how they the shows get to the end? Is apparently left up to a group of people including Bill Cosby and the creepy guy who sang Blurred Lines, the national anthem of rapists.
Don't get me wrong, I know the books are hella violent. I know that medieval marriage was quite different from today. I know that GRRM has a unique way of writing that rivals Waterboarding for inhumane torture. It just really seems like the writers at HBO only know ONE TRICK for getting us to hate a character.
Someone up in there REALLY needs some counseling.
Let's take one example. Ramsay Bolton. There are so many other ways to get the audience to hate Ramsay. Their HOUSE SIGIL is a person about to be flayed, in which they have their skin cut off while still alive.
Ramsay is a special brand of family insane. He likes to physically hunt people before flaying them. But that's not enough for HBO writers. Nope. What could we do to really drive home how awful he is? He needs to rape someone. WHAT THE HELL?
There is one scene in the 9th episode. I do not understand in any way. I hate to spoil it for people who have say, read the books but haven't watched the show. I'll be very vague.
There is one guy who calls himself "The One True King." And, by law, and thanks to his murder of a sibling that would inherit the throne, he actually IS supposed to be the king. Except they don't have Jerry Springer to throw down a DNA test and tell Cersei,
"He is NOT the father!"
and have everyone do that victory dance they do when they get the results.
So, he takes it upon himself to conquer the world. Then, this show would have you believe he orders the death of the only possible heir to his throne.
Why in Seven Hells would anyone do that?
Can anyone help me out here?
_________________________This post was interrupted by the person whose child(ren) I watch, who had given me a schedule showing this week and next OFF, and then inexplicably pulled into my driveway. Good thing I was awake and had some actual clothes on. Pajamas, but my all of my clothes can double as pajamas so no one noticed.
SURPRISE! I don't have this week off from them.
Sorry, can't help you -- I'm out of the loop. Don't get HBO. I'm waiting to watch the series when it is completed and all the seasons are available on DVD. That'll be one hell of a binge watch. Judging from your post today, I'll be a psycho by the time I finish watching.
ReplyDeleteI would recommend reading the books first. THE BOOKS ARE AMAZING. Yes, they are also very violent. Can't even lie about that. But they are the best books I have ever read. I couldn't get through all the books so I listened to the audio books for most of them, which I also highly recommend. The show is typical HBO: Extra gratuitous sex and violence. Anything to get people talking about each episode, good or bad. It doesn't matter to them.
DeleteOkay, on your recommendation, I'm going to read the books first. I'll pick up the first one this weekend. But remember, it took me 6 years to read Moby-Dick. I'll just have to move faster on this series!
DeleteDebra I SERIOUSLY recommend the audio books. Our library has all of the books on disc and you can also download digital copies. We borrowed the books and burned them to our laptops to put onto our mobile phones. You can listen in the car, outside taking a walk, when you're supposed to be working, during company meetings, while pretending to listen to your parents talking, wherever, whenever.
DeleteI've been planning to binge-watch GoT for the last ten-or-so weekends now. As you can tell, my original intention was to start watching from episode one the week episode one showed & keep up the trend every week after that. It didn't really work out as planned.
ReplyDeleteThat's a good plan actually. As long as you can avoid social media. I'm sure you've at least seen the meme going around: "The Net Is Dark and Full Of Spoilers." TRUE STORY. Fartbook is how I learned about Rob Stark's fate. Someone posted a picture of it the next morning. Some people actually have LIVES to live, record the show and watch it later, dorkbags. I'm glad for any other reason to avoid Facebook, so there's that. At least in Twitter, their Lists actually WORK, so you can avoid scrolling down a general feed of being PUNCHED IN THE FACE with crap you don't want to see.
DeleteI don't know if you read the books or not, but either way, you have a VERY INTERESTING 10 hours ahead of you. Enjoy!
I've just come to embrace that GRR Martin is never going to release another book. He says he's almost finished with the current one and it'll be published some time in 2016 before the new season airs, but I bet he's only like 2 paragraphs in and just stalling for time. I look forward to reading it in 2020 after the series is long over.
ReplyDeleteAlso, let me just say this. They like to say, "Well, we do this stuff because medieval times were like this." But this is a fantasy book. We have dragons and killer ice zombies. So having Daenerys be 13 years old (as she is in the book) and therefore a child bride really doesn't serve any purpose. As long as we have dragons and zombies and wolf telepathy (oh my) I think I could accept that Daenerys is an unmarried 20-something year old woman.
I agree on Dani not being 13 in the show. Even though that was like middle age in those days, that would have been uber creepy, even for HBO.
DeleteThere is apparently ONE chapter of the new book floating around the internet. I haven't read it. I know it's going to just make me want to read more. But even if that is indeed a chapter of the book, that's ONE out of a million.
Some of the things they change, I just don't understand WHY.
In episode 9, Drogo smelled blood and came to the pits looking to feed and she had to call him off. In the show? She what, CALLS HIM WITH HER MIND? And then right after holding that girl's hand and saying they're in it together she just hops on and randomly LEAVES THEM ALL THERE. Why?? I thought she wanted Tyrion as her advisor. Dude weighs what, 50 pounds? He couldn't just hop on and catch a ride?
Yes, yes, yes! Holy crap that bothered me, especially that last part. I can't find it now (because of course the Internet wants to make me look like a jackass) but there's a great meme where the top picture is Dani holding Missandei's hand and the caption says: "I'll never let go!" Then the bottom picture is her hopping on the dragon and taking off and the caption says: "LOL JK my ride is here." WTF, Dani?
DeleteYOu know, I've never watched this, but you (and the rest of Facebook) have succeeded in getting me to want to try it (after third season OITNB, of course). You gotta stop with the spoilers. :)
ReplyDeleteI tried to be vague. I want Lizzi to read the books, too. They are the GREATEST!
DeleteI was so so so
ReplyDeleteSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO upset about Shireen.
I think GRRM is trying to see just how awful he can make each character before readers start rioting.
Lol the Boltons are my fav I want them to win.
Have you read the books? Ramsay is like a billion times worse in the books. It's amazing.
I HATE HATE HATE Daenerys I hope she eaten by her dragons.
hahaha good theory. Dude just needs a hug, man!
DeleteI secretly love the Bastard Bolton too. Sure, he was "made" legit, but the trading card game has a card that calls him The Bastard Bolton, and that he forever shall be. It's hard to tell people that a psycho blood-thirsty maniac is your favorite so *fistbump* my friend.
You HATE Daenerys?? Really? Even after the whole made a deal with her dragon and then had that dragon kill the dude right away?? That was badass. She is a horrible ruler of people, but she's awesome at war. I mean, she's the ONLY PERSON with dragons. That would be like going to war and only ONE SIDE has tanks. Guess who's gonna win? The banker in Monopoly. Every time.
I do not have HBO. I have never watched one episode of Game of Thrones. I know. I am either a loser or sheltered virgin. LOL
ReplyDeleteThe books are a million times better. We were going to wait and binge watch the shows all once years later, but seeing pictures of our fave fictional place online made us cave. You can get whole seasons at video rental places. MUCH cheaper than HBO!
DeleteI'm with Sarah - OITNB first, then I might be up for a new series. I need to watch TV - this pile of laundry ain't going to fold itself.
ReplyDeleteThat is EXACTLY why I loved OITNB. It's so goofy that for me I can just have it on in the background while I'm doing whatever is boring in my life, which is 90% of my life: Cooking, cleaning, and for some real excitment? Data entry I managed to score to work at home. Thank all the gods old and new for Netflix app on my phone! Life just got a little less boring.
Delete**peers out from under my rock, goes back under to find more episodes of Dirty Jobs.
ReplyDeletehahahaha love me some Dirty Jobs, too, man. I'm Chico and MIKE ROWE is the man.
DeleteMy daughter is obsessed with these books and the series. We don't have HBO so she buys each season as it comes out on DVD. I read the first book. I dunno, I just wasn't hyped up enough to start the second one. Needless to say, daughter was disappointed because she wanted me to be able to discuss the story with her. I suck as a mom.
ReplyDeletehahahahaha I'm trying to think if anything was significantly more exciting in the 2nd book than the 1st. I can't remember, I just know I fell in love right away. I'm obsessed with medieval times, and even though they have more of a system set up than most books about that time, it's just so fascinating to me. If we think women get the shaft now? (We still do) it was unreal then. Women weren't even PEOPLE. Between that and no indoor plumbing, it just makes me appreciate our current 'moden' little effed up rock all the more!
DeleteI don't watch that show, now I know why. Ha!
ReplyDeleteHBO is crazy. They are the poster child for gratuitous sex and violence. And I'm a fan of those things, but they take it way too far. How about great writing? That's interesting too, you pervs.
DeleteI don't watch Game of Thrones (I think I'm the only one), but that Office Space meme is HILARIOUS. Also, I am a Type A scheduler who, for years, has posted every single Friday. Last year I started doing Trashy Shorts,and even though I swore I wouldn't get caught up in a schedule, I did at different times. I would do every day, every MWF, every Tuesday Thursday, etc., depending on the week. Anyway--point is, I'm an obsessive scheduler. I very recently decided that I wasn't going to be this way in regards to my blog anymore, so I took down anything explanation on my blog that said I posted longer posts on Fridays and then Trashy Shorts throughout the week. I even merged the two pages so that my archives are not split into Trashy Shorts and Friday posts, but instead, "Blog Archive." And guess what? I posted a regular-length Friday post...on Friday. HA! I feel so free--like, I don't HAVE to do a post on Friday. I can skip Friday and post it on SUNDAY if I want! But then when it comes down to it, I post on a damn Friday. LOL. One of these weeks I'll surprise myself by being crazy and carefree! Haha
ReplyDeleteI LOVE Trashy Shorts. I mean, I love anything you write because it's always hilarious, but I like having the little tid bits more often. Whatever the OPPOSITE of Type A is? That's probably me. I mean I can be a little perfectioney about certain things, but for the most part? I just go with my gut. Especially if I'm not getting a paycheck. If i'm not getting paid, it can't feel like work. I do like the blogs that post on certain days, especially Mondays. That's supposed to be the worst day to post. But for me? That's a day when I need a smile sometimes. It's nice to know there are places I can go to definitely get that. Friday is supposed to be THEE best day to post. But you probably knew that.
DeleteI think I am also one of those left behind in the entire planet who hasn't watched Game of Thrones. Everyone and their mother (literally too) have been talking about it and it looks like I should follow suit, once it goes off the air.
ReplyDeleteIt's one of the rare things in this world that my sisters and I all agree on. We all like it, each of us for different reasons. I've always been obsessed with all things medieval. I LOVE that the writer is not predictable. Not only that but he'll make you love a character, really care about him/her and THEN kill it. In a horrible way. You never see it coming.
DeleteI don't GeT GoT. Makes it hard when I've never watched it. And even harder to understand the Internet since GoT started.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I can see where it would be even more confusing that way.
DeleteWell, you successfully made me decide that I'm not watching that shit of people getting skinned alive and then raped or whatever the hell they're doing to each other!! Euurrghh!!!