You hear how amazing an experience is supposed to be, an iconic event in everyone's life. A big deal, the biggest!
You look forward to it for a long time, sometimes years. You come close, but you know when you're older it will be even better. You'll be able to experience this right of passage in your own, in your own time, with someone who is very special to you.
You prepare, you ready yourself inside and out. I'm ready for this, I've waited long enough. I DESERVE this. You work on the outer appearance of everything as well. What should I wear? Something special. Something glamorous that says without saying that this night will be especially special. Something you would never wear on any ordinary non-red-letter day, that's for sure.
You do your best to make everything perfect. This is supposed to be magic, you want to remember everything being perfect. It's going to be great!
You have even purchased some props. You're not even totally sure what they're for, but you've seen the movies and read some things and everyone says you should have some basics, so you cave. They must be important. Maybe you'll figure out what all of that pomp and circumstance is for in the moment. Maybe someone else there will be kind and show you.
Everything is ready, you've made all the arrangements and taken all the precautions. You've imagined every possible scenario, so nothing could go wrong. A little nervous, but in that exciting anything-is-possible way!
Finally the day is here after what feels like fore-e-ever. You've added to the supplies, you know you have things you probably don't need but maybe someone else will need extras, who knows. You're ready for anything. Let's just do this already!
You meet up with that special someone, they're looking their best. There is something different about this, this will be special. All the preparation has been worth it. Everyone looks great, positively sparkling. This is to be a very special night indeed. You can feel it.
Things get started, it seems like fun but you know the big event is looming. What did you forget, anything? No, couldn't have. What should you do now? Where do I put this? What about that? Whoa, the time is getting close, should we be doing something else? It feels like I should be doing something more to prepare, but what?!
Before the BIG magic moment, you try to think. What else should we do? What else IS THERE even? Nothing. You can't think of a thing, but hey here it is, it's TIME!
Anticipation mounts, a countdown begins, are those butterflies? You think everything is going to be so great, here we go!
What should I be doing right now?
Shouldn't there be some sort of ... drum roll, or something? Should I actually do that, or should someone else? Or is it a subliminal thing? So...why is it not happening?
Wait, why are you kissing me?
Wait, what?!
You mean, that's IT???
Did I miss something?
So.....Now what?
There has to be something else to this. WAIT, what else can we do? Anything?
What do you mean that's it?
ALL of that preparation and excitement and THIS IS IT??
All there is now is to clean up this big mess?
That went by so quickly. And for what? I don't feel any different, just the same old me.
I looked forward to THAT?!
That was anti-climactic.
What a waste of time.
Not to mention money, but I spent SO MUCH MONEY.
And folks, that's what New Year's Eve is like when you're a grown up.
Happy New Year! Here's to another year of looking forward to things,
sometimes being let down,
being human,
making mistakes,
being shocked by others' mistakes,
learning the hard way, and
looking forward to things that fly by in an unceremonious blink of an eye.
I've been suckered into the allure of New Year's, and prom, and so many things by people swearing I would regret it if I didn't go out and have that experience. I maintain I would not have missed anything, but glad I never again have to ride the roller coaster of anticipation to bottom out in disappointment.....and credit card debt.
It's okay to watch reruns of Law and Order in "give up on life pants" aka sweat pants and stay on your couch on New Year's Eve, and even MORE OKAY to make a huge deal out of Wednesday! Yay Wednesday, let's celebrate how stupid Tuesday is every week. Let's have a drink! Eeerrrr, cake.
It's a wonderful life. You can be disappointed, or you can work with what you've got. Look back briefly, look forward with reality, look around in the now, it's gone before you hear the drumroll. Don't wait for big moments, live the small ones.
I was looking for a picture to sum up anticipation and found this. I have NO idea what is going on here, but it seems like the perfect 1,000 words (or 1 picture) to sum up celebrating every day.
Yes! An OUTDOOR COUCH! I guess don't knock it 'til you try it? from |