
Rando Ho Ho

I wanted to quickly say Merry Christmas to anyone who celebrates that. And even if you don't, just have a nice day for the rest of us because that's what Christmas is all about, making other people happy at the expense of your own sanity. Tis the reason for the season. 

I have been making Monday morning my day to post here, statistically the worst time all week to publish a post because I'm smart like that S-M-R-T. I couldn't do it earlier, on account of a slight hangover and being mad at my laptop and Blogger for eating an hour's worth of work on a post Saturday morning. It wasn't War and Peace, but it was an hour of my life I'll never get back. 

Unless of course I had a chat with my smart friend Google on how to open a closed Chrome window and recover old screens or something like that, which SPOILER: I did not. Like the wise, old soul I am I slammed closed my laptop and whined about it like a baby. Can you picture a baby writing a blog? Nevermind, I'll bet there are at least 10 posts written in the voice of bloggers' babies already existing. 
"Open Letter to baby food makers: Less veggies, more fruit!"
This week we're getting ready for the big day, which takes more effort the older your kids get. Until they're teenagers, and then like my dear friend Lori posted you just get them a bunch of gift cards and they can suck it if they don't like it. Or as my dad would say GET A JOB and buy your own stuff. 

That's the balance of putting up with teenagers, you don't have to put on a whole show. Unless you want to. Or you have good kids who deserve it, I don't know anything about that. I hand my teenager socks and underwear in the bag I bought them in and let him stay here, and we go about our day. It works for us.

We our doing all the Christmas things for the little girls, well not ALL the Christmas things. I won't do that elf thing and I don't have the energy to go crazy with stuff every year, but we do what we can. We got them some small gifts that should keep them busy they will enjoy. Their favorite part of any holiday is going to my sister's house and having everyone's attention for a day. And treats. They live for that crap. I don't know where they got that from. Ahem.

I hope all of you have a happy holiday season, and we ALL have a better 2015. If this year taught us anything, it's we have some work to do on Team Human. We can do better. Yes, even that jerk. I mean guy. 

One thing I'm loving is the low gas prices! It's like a Christmas miracle. And of course since gas prices have gone down for a few minutes SUV sales are going up. Really 'Murica? You think they'll never go back up? Sure, gas flows out of the tap like flaming water. What short memories we have.

Anyway, we're able to head out of town next week and spend more time with family, and not worry about selling off a kidney to pay for gas. Phew. I was saving that kidney for something important, like a trip to Vegas.

This weekend we saw the third Hobbit movie. Of course I loved it. I want to write a review, but doubt I'll have time.
Gwenyth Paltrow is off the hook in these movies.

I did write a review of the first movie two years ago. It was one of my first posts back when my writing made sense, and actually went somewhere. I know, I miss that too. I'll link it below, because it really tells you all you need to know about ALL the Hobbit movies without any real spoilers. And oh, the facial hair!

Click here if you're interested in that. I really loved the movies and highly recommend them, even if you didn't love the Lord of the Rings movies. 

Happy Holidays and a Better 2015 to all.


  1. Since this is the last movie, it didn't have a longwinded 3 hour ending, did it?

    Also, that's hilarious that people are buying gas guzzling SUVs again. Let me know how that works out in 3-4 months when prices skyrocket again. They always do.

    Merry Christmas, happy holidays, have a good week, and all of that stuff.

    1. It was just over 2 hours and it had an awesome war, hence the name "War of 5 Armies" so it flew by for me. I loved every Middle Earth minute.
      It must not bother them to spend most of their paychecks on gas. They must be the same people who pay $5 for a cup of coffee at StarBux. At least over-priced coffee doesn't start world wars. Not yet, anyway.
      Thanks, Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  2. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays and New Year, ..and Kwanzaa and whatever else is politically correct to you and your beautiful family my dear friend!! I agree with you....Let's try and see if we can find some humanity in 2015 and maybe step it up a bit. Act like actual human beings to each other! It's been CARAZZZY on this planet lately!

    I love you to pieces Joy and you always crack me up. I always look forward to your blogs, and posts!! Comfy Vagina FOREVERRRRRRRRR!!!! :)

    1. Well. we ARE acting like human beings but not humans at their best, that's fo sho. I love you and your heeeelarious blog and your family and oh my BUSTER that little Diva. We definitely go together like fish and bicyles! Merry & Happy, Vag Facts!

  3. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays or just have a great day!

    1. Merry Christmas to you and your man-son and the asshats and everyone over there!

  4. Have a wonderful Christmas, dear Joy! Wishing you that mistletoe belt buckle and some quality time with Tony Stark that you expressed a hankering for!

    1. Ha! Happy Christmas to you up there, our Northern neighbor!

  5. Merry Christmas as well! Our Christmas present was a lie of a restraining order being dismissed. Holla! I agree that Team Human has a lot of work to. Perhaps the Avengers could start with my town - these people are the biggest scrooges/bullies I've ever seen! I'm sure the will all get lumps of coal. :)

    1. WHAT?! I will head over and see if you've written up the story on that one. I hope everything is okay.

  6. I'm hoping to get some action in my Christmas stockings this year...I'm a huge Doctor Who fan and collect the action figurines...*ahem*

    Hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas!

    1. I do hope you get some action in your stockings, AND I hope you get gifts also.
      Happy Christmas to you, Lily!

  7. Merry Christmas to your family, too! I liked your Simpsons reference.

    1. Ha you knew that, awesome! I wanted to put a Homer picture but I was rushed. Very Merry to you Sarah!

  8. I love Lord of Rings movies! I've seen the trilogy but not the Hobbit movies yet!
    Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones!

    1. If you like Middle Earth, it's worth it for the scenery alone. Happy holidays to you!

  9. LOL, " get them a bunch of gift cards and they can suck it if they don't like it." Still giggling over that!! I'm huge fan of the LOR series and was resistant to Hobbit because of the slow frickin' start to the first one. My buddies told me to be patient and wow where they right. I haven't seen the last one yet. A very Merry Christmas to you and your family, Joy! :)

    1. That's kind of my teenage experience, as a teen myself and now as a mom.
      The first one WAS like a tourism commercial. Lots of walking, and trekking and journeying and hey, MORE walking! The second one was better. Plus: Smaug!
      Merry Christmas Mike!

  10. hahahahaha We make sure to leave time for the Comfy, it's our color.

  11. Oooh... I have to go see the new Hobbit movie. Sounds great!

    Just wanted to drop by and wish you and yours a happy and healthy holiday season!

    1. I loved it. I mean, it starts with a dragon and leads to a war of mythical creatures including the ORKS. What's not to love?
      Merry Christmas and Happy 2015 to you, Phil!
