
WW Comfy-Tober

Baby Bug: You're doing it wrong :)

Lola & Bug at dolphin tank, Brookfield Zoo

This lazy zoo Sea Lion  is my spirit animal

Kangaroos chillaxin, that kind of day!

Beautiful path, girls in the stroller

I latticed this bitch! (& yelled that in front of the kids)

Baby "Knights Who Say Neee"

Child of the corn (maze)

Bug & Lola at the park, leaves starting to fall!
From a friend who was a Girl Scout! Jack Skellingon and ADVENTURE TIME cookies! Awesome.

Not related to us, unfortunately. LOVE that mustache!


  1. RaNdOm photos from ComfyTown's October. I just uploaded pics to DropBox, so maybe my phone won't be CONSTANTLY FULL!

  2. Totally! It was my first time doing that, which I was only inspired to do because my husband MADE the crust from scratch. Liked rolled the dough with the rolling pin that was part of his Comfytown dowry! He used to bake with his aunt. I figure if he can do that, I can lattice the top. It was weird, but I liked the texture.

  3. Totally! It was my first time doing that, which I was only inspired to do because my husband MADE the crust from scratch. Liked rolled the dough with the rolling pin that was part of his Comfytown dowry! He used to bake with his aunt. I figure if he can do that, I can lattice the top. It was weird, but I liked the texture.

  4. I always love the water mammals at zoos and acquariums!!! And the last photo - LOL!!!! I think the feel of the inside pumpkin would kind of wig me out, though! Have a Boo-tastic holiday!

    1. My girls and I LOVE the bottom part of the dolphin tank, and the seals/sea lions. They go flying by, the baby can hardly move her head fast enough to watch :)
      Agreed on the Pumpkin King! I was thinking it probably smells pretty weird, too!

  5. I am jealous your zoo has dolphins!! They will be FINALLY getting tigers at ours next summer.. If you travel, the St. Louis Zoo was AMAZING!! (We are in Grand Rapids, so it was a trip that probably wont happen for a while again, my dad was working there at the time we went)

    1. St. Louis is one of the cities on our "would actually drive to vacation there" list! Will have to remember that.
      Brookfield Zoo is amazing. Chicago has the Shedd Aquarium but I like Brookfields dolphin show better.

    2. I would go back if we could afford it! It was beautiful and packed with things to do. The zoo is free admission (paid like $5 for parking) and the art museum, children's museum and science museum are free too and all within the same 'area'. We skipped two or three (cant remember) major sections of the zoo (I want to say there were 5 at the time), and didnt even make it to the childrens and science museums.. We actually stayed in Collinsville, IL but was only about 10 minutes away from STL. I would definately go back when we have the money...

    3. Cool! Sounds like a great family vacation. It's not to far of a drive from Chicago. Driving destinations are the only vacations we'll take for quite awhile, especially with two little ones. I will definitely add these to the list! Thanks for the info.

    4. lol we dont even go out to dinner with our ONE! I didnt realize you were in Chicago!! Grandma just asked if we can go there soon, chad went to UTI there and keeps begging to back for some Chicago style pizza :P

    5. It's a GREAT place to visit! I would visit during warmer weather, and not during peak travel times. I'm sure you know traffic can be CRAZY!

    6. We are thinking maybe Christmas time, money permitting, or this spring. Braylon spent his first birthday which was in April in STL, so maybe every year he can spend it somewhere new.. idk, all depends on how much extra money we have lol

    7. We tried to do that for my son's birthday, combine vacation with his birthday (to make up for crappy gifts, hahaha) we didn't always go somewhere major, but it made his birthday more special.

    8. Thats what I was thinking, no where fancy, but enough to make it memorable.. Since he is our only one it will be easier lol My dad was working there last spring and my mom was down visiting him, and he said if me and my sister drove down (about 7.5 hours) with our two babies (1 and almost 2) he would pay for us to stay down there a few days.. I couldn't turn a free trip!!! And the car ride wasnt as horrible as I thought it would. Except on the way back my niece was having reflux problems and constantly puked the second half home.. but shes always had it so even at 2 she knew to say something and puke in a bag lol

  6. Great pics! Wish I could be that sea lion baking in the sun. Cold and maybe some snow here today in NYC!
