
Inspiring Blog Award!

To prove I am not the only person who updates their blog while stinking drunk, the lovely blog goddess at The Momisodes nominated Moi for an award. Hilarious right? I love a good laugh too, so I’m playing along. 
Plus, seriously I appreciate ANYONE clicking on this crazy blog for any reason, I don’t mind people laughing AT me. It’s still a service to the world in my book. The fact that someone would actually nominate me and my crazzy ass for an award? Makes me happy enough to keep me off medication. For now anyway.

As part of the award you are to list 7 facts about yourself. Here are some facts you undoubtedly don’t give a shit about:

I love food, to the point where I would rather shop at Plus Sized stores than diet, and especially sweets, but there are some things my broken, crazy taste buds just cannot tolerate. Like arugula. It tastes bitter and disgusting, and I feel like getting chemotherapy would be better than making it a part of my diet.

For some very weird reason I can’t even explain I HATE cinnamon and I HATE honey. I know these things are natural and actually have healing benefits, which is probably why I hate them so. The smell of honey when I'm putting it on my kids' oatmeal makes me gag.

I am seriously cheap. My husband teases me about it. I piss myself off about it sometimes, but if you have ever been a single mother, you know. Plus we have ONE real income right now, so it’s a good thing in the long run.

I hate almost everything currently on television. I'm not saying I could write a better show, I just can't do or watch things that don't make me happy. (Without a pay check I mean.We do watch things like The Walking Dead and Dexter years later on Netflix or from the $2 video store down the street.

I always feel out of the loop when people are talking about television, especially boring-ass reality shows. Barf. A few exceptions of course, I watch Project Runway, because Tim goddamned Gunn, and Heidi Klum is a SUPERMODEL who is also funny. Just kill me now.

I love to read but shockingly I am also years behind on books. I can’t afford to buy new books and even when they come to the library, they are always checked out by the time I get there with all my kids in tow.

I am also out of it when it comes to things like fashion. Fashion trends do not interest me in the slightest. I feel like it’s just a big trap to get Americans to buy DIFFERENT jeans and boots every year, just because some dickbag high up at a fashion company says THIN HEELS are in this year, and THICK HEELS will be in next, and HEELS with a weird curve or red bottoms will be all the rage after that. Lookit Dickbag, I buy what I like at Goodwill and I will wear THOSE particular MOM JEANS until they completely fall apart. Find another sucker to pay for your next summer home, I’m not playing ball.

I like big butts and I cannot lie. This sentence might be a lie. 
So it turns out I can lie.

Now is the good part, where I get to nominate people:


  1. Don't feel bad I am so behind on most television shows. The only two I am obsessed with keeping up on is Doctor Who (thank goodness for IP hacks to I can watch it on BBC) and Game of Thrones...mainly because it is one of the few shows that Mike and I watch together. Bonding time is all important right?

    Fashion....whats that?

    Thanks for tagging me! Can't wait to check out the other blogs you have listed.

    1. I love Game of Thrones! We somehow watched all of Season 1 and Season 2. I cannot WAIT to somehow get a hold of Season 3. Since we don't have HBO we will have to try to peek through a neighbor's curtains on Sunday nights.

  2. Thanks for the nomination dollface! I have never gotten this award before! You took my virginity! Bahahahahahaha! What is argue-whatta? Cool, I like to eat too! We will have to get together for dinner, even if its Skype or facetime in the middle of crazy family dinner time! Hah! By fashion, I agree wuth Miss Felicia, huh? What? I have been checking into chubby steampunk lately, does the pseudo kinky count? TeeHee!

    1. I freaking LOVE Steampunk! I don't care if it's in or out or "so last decade" or whatever. It kicks ASS.
      You would choke on your chicken to see my crazy kids at dinner, the toddler is always crying that she doesn't want to eat anything (HATES dinner for whatever reason) and the baby is always trying to either grab shit off the table, or knock her chair over sideways, and the teenager is always complaining b/c he'd rather be hanging w/his friends than having dinner with us. It. Is. NUTSO.

  3. I feel like we're twins as I nodded my head along to most of this. Except for the shoes part. If it didn't involve going to a store and actually speaking to people while being polite and battling the epic hot flashes the mall always triggers - I would be a serious shoe ho.

    1. Good call. When I worked and made good money, shoes were DEFINITELY the one thing I would spend money on. My wise cousin told me long ago, knowing I'm a cheapo: "There are TWO THINGS in life you should not skimp on: Your shoes and your bed, because if you're not in one, you're in the other."
      And she is RIGHT. Though since having THREE kids, and not having lost all (any) of the baby weight yet, I buy for comfort more than looks.

    2. Also, I assume you're familiar with piperlime.com and zappos.com and you should know that zappos.com will take returns and THEY PAY the return shipping. That is all.

  4. I am trying to learn more about your late cousin Carrie. Please contact me. Thanks

    1. You say "Contact me" yet leave no name or contact info.
      Spammer level: Amateur.

  5. LOL! congrats on the award!!
    Following from the TGIF Blog Hop! Hope you have a wonderful evening!

    1. Thank you. I will check out that link you left there.

  6. thank you for the nomination --much appreciated!

    "Here are some facts you undoubtedly don’t give a shit about" bawahahaha --girl you crack me up! Ooo --I love to read, too! And, I'm not much in to the TV thang --except my one show a year, Sons of Anarchy, I love that show hard!

    I hope you have lots of happy this weekend...

  7. You rock, as always. If I can tear myself away from Downton Abbey, I will get up a response to this and share the blog award love :)

    Thanks for all of the laughs thus far and those to come.

    1. My pleasure. I look forward to reading yours!
