<<Deep announcer voice>> Meanwhiiile, back in ComfyTown… I’ve been trying to post this for a couple days, but I keep freaking FALLING ASLEEP at 8:30 when I sing lullabies to the girls at their bedtime. I slept on the floor of their room for almost an hour Monday night. My shoulder was killing me. Thankfully, Count Comfula woke me up or I would have been there longer.
Baby Buggie has been keeping us (ME) up every
night crying and whining. That comes and goes lately, but Saturday she got her
1-year shots, THREE of them, and for the first time she’s a little sick after.
She’s teething, I know they can run a fever from that, too. Before this, she
would be the same as Lola after shots (minus Lola’s holy-balls screaming
>>MELTDOWNS<< while getting the shot), she would typically just
have a fever and be groggy for a day, then fine.
This time, she was walking like a little zombie
Charlie Chaplin for a day, it was so cute and sad. 3 days later she has a scary
smoker-sounding cough. Her throat is hoarse, but that may be from her nocturnal
banshee impression.
She is much worse than Lola, who only
occasionally would cry at night. Sometimes Buggy SCREAMS bloody murder during
the night. It’s terrifying, especially if she wakes up Lola. She’s gone from my
sweet little Angel to “What the hell is WRONG with this baby?!”
Bug’s also starting to be really “active” and
“curious” which in Mom-speak means “a giant pain in the ass.” She climbs the
furniture to grab anything, scrambles onto the corner tables, falls OFF and
gets wedged back there, hits and knocks over the lamps, SLAMS things down…you
get the idea. Soo, who wants to babysit??
Lola’s been potty-training, and like a
front-line soldier in his letters back home to Mom, I don’t want to give you
too much information on the horrors. Maybe when the war is over, I can write
about the high- and low-lights, but right now the brutal landscape is too fresh
in my mind. <<shudder>> She’s adorable anytime she DOESN’T
have to deal with bodily fluids.
I imagine
her preschool teachers will LOVE that in the fall.
We’re handling winter cabin fever pretty well,
small trips outside, to the basement, and she is getting more into arts and
crafts. She LOVES stickers, and is starting to enjoy PAINTING, yay!
Alex & I both loved painting with Tinny, especially in the Sunny Apartment days, we filled the kitchen walls with our paintings, and it made us all so happy. Lola will do multiple pages now, so she’ll paint as long as it takes to set it up!
Alex & I both loved painting with Tinny, especially in the Sunny Apartment days, we filled the kitchen walls with our paintings, and it made us all so happy. Lola will do multiple pages now, so she’ll paint as long as it takes to set it up!
ask which one is mine, you'll only hurt my feelings. Don't make it weird.
These are just HER works. As you can see, my
little “Pick-ass-o” is going through her Purple Phase.
If you ask her what her favorite color is, you
get a different answer every time, first it was “Green,” now “Lellow” (how
freaking CUTE is that? When Max would baby talk, or someone would baby talk to
him, I would be all “Don’t talk to him like a baby” and correct him, saying
“Yellow,” but for some DUMBASS reason, it’s adorable when Lola does it. For one
thing, we have bigger fish to fry with this one.)
Speaking of Tinny, after recently getting his
braces off, he started his LAST SEMESTER of high school! *sniff* but also: KICK
ASS for not having to wake him up at 5a.m. starting in June. That has been
‘ROOOF STOOOOF.’ (that’s from Happy Endings, a weird and funny show.)
The Count moved to his new office, adding yet
MORE time onto his already ridiculously long commute. It’s funny how much I
HATED my long(ish) commute at my last job, but now being in the car for 45
minutes each way, just listening to talk radio, an audiobook, or NOTHING,
sounds like HEAVEN! Hahaha
Anyway, he is now home about ONE HOUR a day
while the girls are awake. Thankfully Lola stalks him like a celebrity, so that
leaves me to deal with the baby for that hour until their bedtime. Then since
I’m so zombie tired, I just do whatever HAS to be done that day and go to bed,
so we hardly see each other. Don’t cry for him, Argentina, he is OBSESSED with
Star Wars The Old Republic, an online game he plays with groups, sometimes my
nephew. He’s thrilled not to feel obliged to wait to play his game. It’s great
We still talk on the phone EVERY DAY during his
lunch, so he knows all the (dirty) details of what’s happening here all
day. I just miss him sometimes, his kicking my ass at EVERY game, except for a
very small few.
I better sign off for now, the girls have been
playing nicely with toys for almost TEN MINUTES now, so either I fell asleep
and I’m dreaming this, or any minute they are going to start fighting and
running amok, into the walls and each other.
Be on the EDGE of your SEAT for tomorrow's post!
Until then, STAY COMFY!
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