
MWW: The Oxymoron Festival Is In Town Again

Who's up for another quickie? I thought so.

These signs are not mine, but they are hilarious and I always credit the source, because court is boring.
from urbanviewsweekly.com
I was driving the other day and saw a sign for "Upscale Flea Market" which prompted this whole post. I know what it means, but the sign made me giggle.......because: Mature.
from chairmanlol.com

from zappa.com

from manta.com

from beyondtheglassdoor.blogspot.com

This is not an oxymoron, just funny to me. Our friend's dad always used to say: "You're out of control!"

An old favorite: enrgish.com


  1. The freezer one cracks me up. I need to put that sign on my freezer when I get home. And my microwave. And random doors throughout the house.

    Not sure how I found you but glad I did.

    1. As long as your toaster and stove are in control, you're good. Just take my word for that one.
      Not sure either, but I'm also glad you did.

  2. An upscale flea market? As opposed to the downscale flea market that I notice on the way to the upscale flea market that downscale people have created because yard sales weren't working anymore?

    And the Drive-Thru Pharmacy window parking . . . I'm going to assume it just like when you go to McD's and you order a meal and then they ask you to park in front to wait for your food because the cheeseburger and fries you asked for overloaded their system. lol

  3. hahahaHA! I'm totally pinning those to Pinterest, those are hilarious! I was thinking "Oh fake signs, in case the Tube maps aren't confusing enough!" but those are really hysterical!

  4. I always start up with a giggle, accelerate to chuckling and then full on laughter reading this funny sign posts and emails. "Freezer Out Of Control" sent me...thank you for the laugh, Joy! :)

    1. I'm glad you got a laugh, that's the best isn't it?!

  5. hilarious! there was a restaurant in asia we liked called soak it deep, dip it yummy. definitely not an oxymoron but giggle inducing!

    1. "Soak it deep, dip it yummy" sounds like a food porno. That is hilarious, but yet it sounds oddly delicious.

  6. I had a hard time with that sight for anything but a bulletin board of recipes, that I may or may not ever try, but it was FAR more organized than the tons of bookmarks I would make with my internet browsers, which like me, were totally chaotic and unorganized. I like the SHARED blogger boards though, they are great for having ONE PLACE (like a FB group w/out the FB aspect) to look at bloggers you like, and what they've been up and that kind of thing.

  7. Love, love, love these! have you seen those hilarious memes on Fb from the veterinarian's office? They always crack me up. I really do love stuff like this---thanks for sharing it!

    1. I don't know if I have, but I'll be talking to Google about it.

  8. I love when I get to see funny pictures/signs I've never seen anywhere else. These are all new to me, and all fantastic.

    Someone get that freezer an intervention.

  9. These are funny! I'd love to see how they collect that $200 fine!

  10. hahaha LOVE THIS! the we spik engish one cracked me up. I guess they tried, right?

    1. Engrish.com was one of my favorite sites for the longest time. I didn't even realize it was still around, but that's where the freezer picture is from.

  11. I always love spotting goofy signs. That freezer is out of control! LOL!

    1. I usually get a good laugh out of them, too, especially the oxymoronic ones. Makes me feel like I'm not the ONLY one who doesn't always proof-read.
