
Twitterpated Olympic Fashion and Kids With Beards

DUH.  from zazzle.com
First, VD Day gives us another reason to day drink: Bailey's with coffee in the morning, bloody Mary with brunch, beer with lunch and wine with dinner. Don't forget the evening cocktails.
2. Speaking of that, found this recipe for Beer Mojito. Yes ma'am.
BEER MOJITO me, bro!
From cookingtv.com

3. Speaking of mugs, I won a cool Science of Parenthood mug! 

If you're not familiar with their Facebook page and/or blog, you should check them out. They're the Big Bang Theory of blogs, funny and sciencey. And they give away cool swag!

If you're wondering why I'm listing numbered rando items, this is part of my Ten Things of Thankful

It's an effort to take the crappenings of the week, try to look on the bright side and be thankful for all that I do have. Or be really smart ass about it and find ways to bend the rules to try to fit in with people who actually do this the right way. They're good either way.

It's like exercise for my soul, but it doesn't hurt my feet or lungs, so I unlike exercise for my body, I'll actually do it. Usually. Join up, click this link to be whisked magically away to a fantastic world of sunshine, lollipops, and Considerings. ...and maybe a little swearing and/or nudity, but it's all germaine to the plot.

4. I'm very thankful to have volunteered for Equality Illinois' Justice for All gala this past weekend. I get into more detail about it in my post from last year, click here if you're curious. They are a charity that fights to secure, protect and DEFEND rights for the LGBTQ community. 

Marriage equality is slowly becoming legal state by state, and in Illinois The Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act will become effective June 1st, 2014, but the Civil Rights Movement of our time is far from over. 

There are still far too many fighting for their legal rights, having to deal with rejection on personal and professional levels, and the rates of gay teens that are homeless and have at least attempted suicide are staggering. There are too many that have been rejected, and too many that in live in fear of being rejected by their own families. This is not okay with me.

I really should write another post about it, but sometimes life just doesn't let that happen. Or I just didn't fight life hard enough to get her done yet. In my defense, I fought a lot of battles this week, and I feel like the small amount of people that do read my blog are not the ones who need the message, they seem to be the best people on earth. 

The Justice for All Gala gets a big turnout, a lot of politicians and local celebrities, and the silent auction raises a lot of money. Here is a picture of me with Chicago weatherman, Tom Skilling and my good friend, Brian.

5. I'm thankful for family parties, they're getting us through this long, crazy winter. Saturday my Lola turns 4, and even though I hate playing hostess and rearranging my entire tiny house to fit just my immediate family, I'm always glad to get everyone together. My people are nuts.

6. This Buzzfeed piece of 44 stock photos that hopefully change the way we look at women. Because: Can we use something besides the tired old cliche photos please? Spanks.
GET FAMILIAR with modern women, world. They're awesome.
from Buzzfeed.com
7. I read an article about beards trending and looking for the article I found this gem "10 Kids With Beards" and only ONE of them is that knitted hat thing. You are welcome.
from craveonline.com
from craveonline.com
8. The Sun Times listed TWO different places offering "beard blow outs" which is not a porn thing, (well, I don't think it is, but who knows) apparently this is a service now being offered in which salons will heat, shape and sculpt men's beards. I love a beard but shape that shit up, fellas.

They use oils from a company called The Bearded Bastard, products include "Opium Den Beard Oil" and one of the woodsy-scented oils has a reviewer saying:
 "...smells like the Northwoods of Wisconsin, campfires and fighting." I kind of hope it really DOES smell like fighting. I might have to order this to find out.

9. I'm thankful that my husband can grow (at least a goatee's worth of) beard, and also that he doesn't watch the Olympics. 

Jimmy Fallon's twitter
Based on the 2-minute highlight clips on the news, I don't think I could sit through it. 

The fashions though, and I use that word loosely, are quite entertaining. 

Twitter, I'm falling for you bigtime lately. Keep that shit up.    

I wanted to do a whole post these, too, and didn't even get to that. 

One day I'll be a blogger when I grow big. 

It's on my buckethead list.

FANTASTIC rainbow uniforms!
10. Speaking of Twitter, I'm super thankful for it lately. 

I was late to the game, like everything, and it took me forever to figure out how to make it work for my little chunks of spare time. 

I finally started to use Lists (though that is wonky on my phone) but it does save me some time. 

They help me find my favorite bloggers, and tag the most funny to work to my advantage. One of my favorite current funny accounts is the: 
@SochiProblems account

It started with reporters tweeting about their awful rooms, and has grown into an over 340K event. Take a peek and clear your schedule, I spent a month there one day. 

p.s. what is this door made of, cardboard???


  1. Joy, I look forward to your post on equality and civil rights...will zero in for a read! Thanks for sharing with us....despite the week being slightly bumpy!

    1. Thank you. Hopefully that post will come to be this week. Or ever.

  2. joy, love your glasses in that first pic! Anyway... once Im not distracted ... I love the items re LGBT... I am so with you there and understand about the writing for my blog on topics like civil rights etc.... cuz I don't think its our readers that need to see such things... they are cool already. although I was utterly crankified last night it was great to actually meet you in real time at the vid chat! I still want a chicken hat and was telling Michelle and Lizzi about it before you showed up!

    1. The chicken hat was reasonably priced, I think my sister found it online at Oriental Trading Company. It was great to "meet" you too! I was pretty tired, by Friday night my sleep deprivation from the week has added up and it's hard to keep my eyes open past 10p.m.. but I do so love the group and really wanted to chat.

  3. what is the deal with fashion philosophy for the 'uniforms'? maybe it's something like 'hey every nation has a flag with primary colors and primary shapes… lets make clothes of that!'
    good post

    1. I am not sure, it almost looks like they are trying to out-ridiculous each other. Hard to pick a winner. Or loser, as it were.

  4. You're a sweetie to volunteer with the Justice for All Gala! And I loved that quote about the American Olympic uniforms -- it's right on, unfortunately. And it's the Norwegian curling team with the crazy pants, not the Russians. They did the same thing at the Vancouver Olympics too. Their Viking ancestors are probably rolling in their graves.

    1. Ah, thank you for the clarification! The Vikings ARE the wears of the bullet-looking helmet adorned with horns, so mayhaps they would love this look? Or set it on fire and send it off to sea as their funeral practices dictate.

  5. Happy birthday to Lola! I hope you have a great time with family.

    1. Thank you, we certainly did. She loves having everyone here, for any reason.

  6. Your post are always witty and make me smile! Kids with beards are really creepy, though...

    -Cristyl @ www.MyCHillThoughts.com

    1. hahaha sorry if those mini lumberjacks haunt your dreams.

  7. OH. MY. Effing beard man wearing a chucked up US flag.
    That door looks like carboard eh....but of death. What's that wire thing in there? Aren't doors made out of wood? What's going on here?
    I am new here and I would love to hear a post on equality. I live in Ontario and gay marriage is accepted/allowed...whatever you call it...normal because they are normal. I watched my best friend marry the love of his life and it was so beautiful that they were able to do so without backlash. Yes, it has been a struggle for them because there are real a**holes out there. Love to hear your thoughts.

    1. The doors in Comfytown are made of wood, it might be cheap/pressed wood, but they're not cardboard. We build forts out of cardboard, but we don't lock Olympians inside. I guess for the sake of the person locked inside, it's a GOOD thing these hotels were slapped together with paper and tape!
      I hope to do more on the subject this week, though I did get into more depth on the subject last year. In the post is a link to it with a lot of my thoughts. I cannot wait until everyone's preferences don't even need to be discussed, because they're not an issue. For now, I support them in every way.
      Welcome to the hop, always nice to meet a new friend!

  8. Joy, you just made fall in love with you. I adore that you support and volunteer for the amazing organization where you live. It IS the civil rights movement of our time!!! I've always been a huge supporter of LGBT (what's the Q for? Never saw that before). I have close family members who are gay (both men) and my heart breaks for the intolerance they have to face. I could go on forever. Just now I respect the fuck out of you!!

    The photos of real women/mothers are awesome. I love a chic with an arm sleeve. Why is that so sexy? I could never pull it off. I'd already have it if I thought I could.

    BEARDS. Love me a beard, but why do these kids haven them? Is it a joke or for real? I know there are some kids with conditions where they actually have facial hair at a very young age.


    oh yeah, the Olympic fashions this year are their own event. WTF?

    hey - digging your new mug! Science of parenthood is some funny, clever shit.
    Love your list, chica!

    1. Thank you. The Q stands for "Questioning" anyone curious or at the beginning of their journey, sometimes they need the MOST support.
      I love an arm sleeve, too! If I wasn't worried about future jobs, and old fashioned clients, I would have gotten one a decade ago, too. Wrinkles be damned! I've always struggled with jobs, had to deal with a lot of clients, dress up and act like a puppet to make money, so it's just ingrained in my brain. Unfortunately.
      I'm assuming they are all fake, and were a joke. The only one I can't fully explain are the Boy Scouts. That is from an ad, and when I click on it to read about it, most of the page is blocked out so I can't read it. The rest are fake, drawn on, costumes, etc. The Boy Scouts is from an ad, that's all I can glean from that site page. Again, I'm assuming their fake, but I have no idea.
      I love Science of Parenthood, too. Great pictures, funny stuff!
      Thanks for stopping by.

  9. That SochiProblems account is classic! Too funny, yet I also do not watch the Olympics. I just find it boring.

    Also, who says you have to wait for V-Day to drink like that? Every day if a good day for Baileys and Blood Marys!

    1. That's true about day drinking, I call it a hobby, but after awhile you have to work around social interventions, by throwing in something like sporting equipment: Carry around a frisbee with your drink, and suddenly you look like less of an alkie. No, I'm not laying by a pond drinking beer, I'm FISHING.

  10. It IS weird, I can't argue with that. I hear you about the beard oil, sounds like a real panty-dropper. Thanks for stopping by and commenting, my fave, and all the encouragement, that is always appreciated!

  11. The kids with beard thing kind of (okay, really does) creep me out. I'm not a huge beard fan; it just looks and feels like public hair to me, and that's just gross. Well, when it's on the face; I mean, it has it's proper place, and the face isn't it.

    Good for you for working with Equality Illinois! One of my good friends had to travel from Kansas to the east coast last summer just to marry her partner.

    I'm still very, very stupid at Twitter. But I try.

    I think Jimmy Fallon nailed it with his description of the US Olympic team sweaters. Actually, I think he was pretty kind about it.

    1. I don't know why, but I love facial hair of all kids. Well groomed, of course, otherwise it's scary and Yeti-esque. My hairdresser says to put CONDITIONER on beards, the longer you let it sit, the softer it gets. Makes sense.
      It's crazy it's taking this long to treat our fellow human beings like human beings.
      Twitter is a little different, but Facebook has been SO overly annoying lately, it forced me to start using it, and Googling things about how to make it better.

  12. The amount of stuff I've set aside to write about one day when I grow big & become a blogger too, I probably have several months worth of material.

    (P.S. Yes, it's unanimous. You are indeed adorable.)

    1. It's too bad "Blog Intern" isn't a thing, I mean interns don't get paid anyway, right? Yeah, I know.
      p.s. the term was "aDORKable" and that means a lot coming from the owner of those honey-brown or was it chocolate-brown dazzling eyes from the pregnant story.

    2. Proof I even have to proofread the words I intentionally try to misspell.

    3. I blame auto correct, it's not a fan of slang.

  13. Great, now even kids can grow a beard, while I can't. Thanks for the painful reminder, Internet, that I may be cool but I'll never be "grow an ironic hipster beard' cool. :(

    1. I hear you, man. I can't grow a beard either. I can't even grow arm or knuckle air, they're totally smooth, like I had electrolysis but I didn't. It's weird.

  14. You are TOO FUNNY! The beard thing is nasty - I can't stand beards in general and ew, just think of Deliverance looking at those photos. I can pretty much hear the banjo music playing as I type.
    You ROCK for volunteering to promote equality for the gay and lesbian communities. Some of my friends in my bookclub had a wedding this summer in DC so they're legal there, but they live in VA and so it's not legal here, and it's just confusing and I don't understand why anybody even fights equal rights for them. It's just crazy. I haven't watched a single moment of the Olympics this year. Perhaps I should though, just to make fun of the fashion!! :D

    1. Well, to be clear I don't like the Deliverance, or long/unkempt Yeti-like beards. This is why I was excited that salons were offering to trim and sculpt, sometimes guys OVER-sculpt, which is better than NOT taming the facial forest, and I know this is sounding more and more weird so I think I'll just wrap it up.

  15. Yup. I have to say those pics creeped me out.

  16. Love: "the crappenings of the week." And yes, you can spend a month on Twitter one day. But it's so worth it b/c look at Ty Walker's tweet that brought so much joy to you and now through you to me and the rest of your readers. I said the same damn thing about the American's Christmas sweaters. WTH is up with that? I heard the story on the news of the athlete breaking thru the door but I never got a close up shot. I think it may, indeed, be made of cardboard. Great post.

    1. The Christmas sweaters, just like almost EVERYTHING I hear about the Olympics, just sounds like someone lost a bet. How did they even win the bid to host the winter Olympics in Sochi? They have no snow, they seem ill prepared, who knows. It makes me wonder why we were ever afraid of Russia when I was growing up.
