
MWW Don't Fight The VD

It's VD Day in 2 days, there's no point in fighting it. I hate it too, I do, I don't know if you read my ranty, swear-ey post last year about Valentine's Day, click that and have a laugh at my weirdness. 

Now that I've ranted it out of my system, I've learned you can't fight it. You can't fight City Hall, or marketing. Just do something for the love day, you guys. It doesn't have to suck, or be cliche or super expensive, just a little something to take it up a notch, *bam* 
Add Emeril's spices to something you microwave maybe, I don't know.
Crack open some glow sticks, well adults probably prefer candles, whatever your scene.
Make an i-Tunes playlist, or whatever the hell the kids are doing now instead of mix tapes. 

Adopt your own traditions, make it your own, whether  you're in a relationship with another person or yourself, and that can be awesome if you romance yourself. Buy yourself flowers, candy, cook for yourself. Don't skimp, bro.

Whatever your relationship status, I suggest enjoying the day in the privacy of your own cozy home and not in an over-priced restaurant with starry eyed annoying new couples, or fighting shout-ey/pout-ey LTR's or anyone in between. Light some candles, do something a little extra. Use non-paper plates maybe. It's ONE DAY.

Binny's Beverage Depot (or whatever the name of the booze warehouse near you) has the right idea with these boozy e-cards. Stop in and get some amaretto, Bailey's, wine, whatever your poison. Also whatever your Valentine likes. Print out these cards for free, or use the ones below.

They have plenty of non-alcohol choices for every taste, if you like that sort of thing, or are currently pregnant, in which case: BETTER YOU THAN ME FOR ONCE. Oh, and uh, congratulations!

Here are some geeky e-cards to print out and add to your booze. Voila! A non-cliche romantical gift, and you're done.
Classic Ralph Wiggins from TheSimpsons.com
by PJ McQuade
from Teamjimmyjoe.com
from DIYLOL.com

Game of Thrones
from inprint.chrisbishop.com
 from beyondtheglassdoor.blogspot.com


  1. Nice!! The booze...my kind of V-day. I will be in my closet eating a few pounds of chocolate while simultaneously enjoying some rum. The reason I will be in my closet is because the husband will then have to watch the kids and i can enjoy this V-day in some peace and quiet. AND I"M NOT SHARING!!! The husband is cute and all...but I have to share everything with him! My bed, my t.v., my microwave dinners. I am over it ya know! The whole sharing thing can suck my twat hole!! This V-day....I am not sharing my chocolate and booze!! If more people realized how awesome it is that they don't have to share, then they wouldn't be so sad when Valentines day came around. Oh...and sorry for the twat hole comment....I didn't mean to go all nasty on your post. ;) Happy Valentines Day Comfy!!! <3

    1. I don't think you could bring this down much farther, honey. Get the kids their OWN Dollar Store decoy candy. Do they still make candy cigarettes? Those seem like a nice, sweet gift that says "I love you, now leave me alone for awhile"

  2. I'll be watching the new House of Cards, eating chinese and wearing sweats!

  3. Love the Booze Bin ads and the Game of Thrones cards!

    1. Oh, I forgot the best Kahleesi one, on that same sight they have one with Daneayrs and it says "The Dothraki have no word for Valentine" hahaha

  4. Any card good enough for Ralph Wiggum is good enough for my wife. So is the R2D2 one.

    1. Ralph is a favorite of mine, we used to do Ralph quotes like "When I grow up I want to be principal, or a caterpillar." He's a card.
      I saw on "The Regular Guy"'s blog a Darth Vader vibrator, if that doesn't scream LOVE I don't know what does.

  5. I am not a fan of VD either....writing that just cracked me up! Ha! See how easy I am! I would imagine I'll be right here where I am now. Reading other people's VD posts...ha! Did it again! Thanks for the laugh!

    1. I'll probably always call it that, even when everyone else is tired of hearing it. And I'll probably always laugh about it, so stick with me ;)

  6. Like Sandy, I like to abbreviate and always give myself a chuckle. I'm easy like that. Heehee.

  7. Hodor says Hodor! Love it! And I love this post! Valentine's Day totally doesn't have to suck. If I were single, I'd woo the shit out of myself on Valentine's Day. Actually, I'm not single and I STILL think I may just woo myself. ;)

    Thanks for linking up to the Glitter Fart hop!!

    1. That's always a sure way to be happy, make yourself happy. I always order myself at LEAST one birthday present, and tell my husband later that it was from him. I'm never disappointed. Well, unless I order the wrong thing because I wasn't paying attention, that happens. Kind of a lot.

  8. Now this is a post that I will raise a drink for! Happy V-Day! Also, I think I would eat a horse heart for you.

    1. Ha! You say that to all the mothers of dragons! And thanks, same.
