
Sexy Animals and RealMood Mood Rings

This week I've been in a foul mood, probably along with most of the Midwest and anywhere else where it's been projectile vomiting snow and rain like a drunk after eating bad sushi from a gas station. A sore throat led me to Sudafed, I know it probably had nothing to do with congestion but let's face it, 
from tshirthell.com
the road to Sudafed is a short one for me. 

I look for any reason to take it, there's a reason they put that shit in meth, yo. 

Anyway, it immediately changes my mood to AWESOME and got me thinking, what if they included a Mood Ring in your box? You could SEE how quickly it changes from black to rainbow. 

I got to thinking about the different degrees of FOUL mood, and a mood ring that would be all different shades of rage and/or poop-colored gray for my non-Suded moods:
This is "Tired Crabby"
This color is "Hangry"

2. I wanted to do a whole post, buuut in searching for a picture of a mood ring to play with in a post, I found this. Already been done.

Let's face it, I couldn't do much better than this:
from Blogadilla.com
This about covers it. Unfortunately, it looks like that blog hasn't been updated in a few years. Hopefully they got a book deal or became independently wealthy or something.

I'm just THANKFUL that instead of scraping the whole idea, like I usually have to do when someone beat me to it, at least I was able to share a funny mood ring picture somewhere, because funny is funny, even if I didn't write it.

Speaking of Thankful, that's what this numbered list is all about. It's a fun game with a great community of awesome people, I hate to even call it a blog hop because it's not really even about that life. This is a celebration of not pretending like your everyday life is perfect, it's taking the perfectly mundane everyday and celebrating it in some way. That's the secret to it all. Life, blogging, all of it. Click here to join along with the Ten Things of Thankful. It's so money.

4. This winter's shit-blizzard snow  included the now infamous "Thunder Snow." Sounds like a character that should be invading Castle Grayskull. That's right, kids, sometimes Mother Nature hates Earth so much that during a normally peaceful, beautiful snow fall she makes terrifying THUNDER.
This video of a weatherman losing his shite when he hears it cracked me up. It's only 30 seconds and serves ALL the weather people right, for always wanting to be RIGHT in the eye of a storm and whatnot. Thanks YouTube.
5. Mr. Incredibeard. Yes, I'm a little obsessed. Last week I posted "Kids with Beards" which fascinated and creeped out a lot of people. This week Mr. Incredibeard posted a photo of a dog with a beard on his FB page.
found at Incredibeard Facebook page
Sexy, right? So I did a search for "Dogs with Bears" and yes, here we go again.
"Get me a bone, brother!"
from vomwasatch.com
6. This lady's dog must go to the same hairdresser as Hulk Hogan, his beard is blondish. What a flirt. 
Get ready, Brother! Or whatever he says, besides "Brother." I kind of strange-love Hulk Hogan, but haven't watched anything with him in a long time. 

7. I'm not sure which bitch stole whose look in this next one, but someone send this to Joan Rivers for her Fashion Police bit "Bitch Stole My Look."

"I'm still sexier than this dog, right?"
from ultimatetop10s.com
Come ON, Brad. You can afford a stylist to create a look all your own. 

Way to think outside the doghouse, bro.

7. This next weener (or Schnauzer if you prefer) has some sort of Napoleon Imperial goatee going, a toughie to pull off but he seems to be rocking it, along with what looks like a Napoleon complex. Don't mess!
"I'm a baad man! I mean DOG."
from schnauzer-forum.co.uk
8. The last one is from a friend of my Facebook page. Christi Morrow was nice enough to share this photo of Mocha, who reminds me a LITTLE BIT of the Something About Mary dog.
Mocha looks like a sweetheart!
This is Mocha, she is a wire hair chi. She is 8 years old and the best little lap dog ever! We have had her since birth, her mother died last year and I experienced a dog crying for the first time ever. My mother recently lost her older sister and moved in with us, Mocha never leaves her side now, she has bonded in loss.

10. This winter, more than usual, I'm extremely thankful we can get out of the house and visit my sister's. I had my last 2 kids later in life, so they have very limited grandparent options, their cousins are all adults, so it's nice to have a relative nearby that dotes on them, and is a lot of fun for all of us. 
sexy cat, seeeexy cat, what are they feeding you?
They love going to her house, bossing around her dogs and digging in her children's rooms. This is a picture of my niece's boyfriend's cat. So spice!

We found a trove of heebie geebies in my nephew's room, I posted a few things on Instgram but this was by far my favorite. 

I've heard of a blue-footed booby, but I have no clue what you would call this Wanker Bird.
This was in my nephew's room. 
I'm just amazed that with genitals like these, you don't see more of these birds in the wild. They can't have any trouble with mating. I may have mentioned before, my people are weird.


  1. Sushi from a gas station!? Ewww lol.... I wonder what they would put in sushi from a gas station!? Hot dogs and chips wrapped in beef jerky? I'm hitting up the Sudafed too! This snow, heat, rain, heat, snow shiz has gotta stop!!!!!

    1. hahaha now THAT I would probably eat! I don't even know of any gas stations that sell sushi, "sushi from a gas station" is one of those phrases I read and see now and again, and it just cracks me up.
      Thank all the gods for Sudafed!

  2. Hulk dog is waaay cool! I think I still have a mood ring...its usually black....if I wad wrsring it I woulld worry.

    1. hahaha Love me some Hulk Dog. I had a cheap mood ring, it just went from black to blue pretty much. It was probably right on though.

  3. I was on my phone and couldn't watch the vid ... had to come back to see him lose his shit.... worth it! that was me yesterday during the thunder and lightning here.

    1. I had the same reaction the first time I heard Thunder Snow! I thought the neighbor was moving aluminum garbage cans or something, we kept looking out the curtains to see what was the clatter. It was like Judgement Day or something. I'm glad we weren't on camera!

  4. That's not even the creepiest things in my kids rooms.

    1. Nope. Not even the creepiest things out in plain view. Some of them I passed on taking pictures of. Didn't want to have to explain.....like the disturbing nekked calendar from Nana's house.

  5. What cute puppies. I could take them all. And I remember mood rings as a child. If I ever see them for sale -- I usually buy one. Just makes me smile to look at them. That color chart is a riot.

  6. My eyes are literally effing tearing from laughing!!! My 6yo is looking at me like I'm cra-cra. Jim Cantore is my FAVORITE drama weatherman of ALL TIME. He's hysterical, though he doesn't try to be. I'm addicted to storm watch just for him!

    omg...the beards. They DO make the dogs look more bad-ass! Beards just rock my socks off.

    Yay to time with your family. and OMG that duck-with-a-dick....I died!!! hahaha!

    my mom used to accuse me of being addicted to Sudafed when I was in high school. Best Shit Ever.

    1. He is DRAMAtic. So funny.
      I have a weird beard fetish, any facial hair really and it seems like the weirder the better.
      Yeah the wanker bird, I ... don't know. It totally made me laugh though because; Weird.

  7. forgot to mention the mood rings - LMAO. So funny. My husband would say I toggle between green and orange pretty much constantly.

    1. So between flatulence and road rage? I could see that.

  8. I too applaud and celebrate mood-mind alteration through the attempts to treat illnesseses! Not so much into the Sudafed, I prefer the simple pleasure of fever and it's 'filter-destroyer' power! Gooo! altered consciousness!

    1. You must have some GOOD fevers! I just get tired and cranky, and since I don't get to sit and wallow in illness, drugs it is.

  9. Hmmm. Shouldn't the "full bladder" mood ring be bright yellow? And also, a word to the wise: don't give Mother Nature credit for the snow thunder. You'll piss off Thor. And nobody wants that.

    1. Good point. I'm not sure how they work, but that would make the most sense.
      I didn't even think of that, whoopsy. That might explain my horrible luck, I probably continually piss off the gods with my shenanigans.

  10. Would that bird's yang inhibit his flying, or would it act like a rudder?

    I used to like Sudafed, until the meth chefs ruined it for everyone. It's too much trouble to get it now, and I resent having to sign my life away to get it. I just suffer in righteous indignity instead.

    We have a rule in our family: if Jim Cantore is spotted in our town, we GET THE HELL OUT OF DODGE. Last time the Weather Channel storm chasers were near here, half of our town blew away in a tornado.

    I need a mood ring that will answer the question, "Is it hot in here, or is it just me?"

    1. I hadn't pictured it in flight, so thanks for that! A rudder, you're too funny.
      Yikes, hopefully no one was hurt by the tornado, and the town is rebuilding in a spirit of community togetherness.
      I'm pretty sure you can find a Tshirt that says that, I know many people who say that almost daily. I'm becoming one of them for whatever reason. Definitely not just you.

  11. This was cool,Joy. Now brad and the Schnauzer look alike, don't they!

    1. Before this picture, if you told me there was a dog who resembled Brad Pitt, I would have smiled and nodded and hit the secret button to activate the trap door under your feet. But there it is.

  12. Wow, I don't know of an OTC painkiller that good, maybe it had "PM" at the end? We do have painkiller that combines a sleep aid, sometimes a sleep aid makes me loopy. I don't know what NOS is, like Nitrous Oxide? That is good stuff.
    That bird was in my nephew's room, he's 21 now but that bird has been in there for quite some time. It's made of sculpting clay. That's all I know. Sometimes it's best not to ask.

  13. My mood ring would be stuck on hangry! :)
    Thanks for adding our little Mocha in your list, we are very much thankful for her!
    Being sick sucks! we are a alka seltzer cold and cough family, it works for us and keeps everyone just a bit giggly. :) Don't fret, very soon mother nature will throw some warm out and it will grow quite nicely into spring! :)

    1. Oh good I'm glad you got to see the post! She's so cute, beard and all!
      I haven't tried Alka Seltzer in awhile, I remember it was hard to choke down :) my husband gets Day-Quill which tastes like cancer but you only have to take a tiny shot glass full.

  14. This post reminds me that I need to catch up on Breaking Bad. I haven't been watching because my husband is an Olympics addict and we kind of promised to watch it together. Stupid, right? Anyhoo, my mood ring would probably always stay on road rage. I have a horrible case of it and spend a crazy amount of time in my car so it doesn't ever really go away. My daughter actually caught one of my moments on her phone one day without my knowledge. Yep, everybody got a kick out of that.
    Jim Cantore...is there anybody better at weather drama? I think not! I love watching him during hurricane season. You can actually FEEL his disappointment when he's not in the exact spot the storm makes landfall! That vid is priceless!

    1. Love Breaking Bad! We watch on Netflix and we're waiting for the last half of season 5, supposed to be there this week! If I can just continue to avoid spoilers on Facebook until then!
      I hear you about driving, I live near Chicago so there is always traffic everywhere, all hours of every day. I just listen to audiobooks in the car and avoid situations where I can't be late!

  15. Thunder snow must be quite the experience--at least that weatherman seems to think so!

    I think the dogs wear their beards much better than the children do. :-)

    1. At first you wonder what it is, but when it's really loud there are only a few things that sound like that. It catches me off guard, even when I hear on the news that it's coming!
      I think you're right about the dog beards.

  16. I think its awesome that you've decided to incorporate the mood ring idea. It is a brilliant idea and I'd love to see that list of foul moods extended! You could still link to that post but add your own. It sounds like you would do this idea justice.

    Dogs with beards? Love. Brad Pitt? I don't know. Not so convinced he's winning this one. If it looks like a terrier and grooms its bears like a terrier, I would not expect it to be a Brad Pitt.

    Finally, the bird. WOW. I have nothing to add to that.

    I'm thankful for reading this. This was FUN.

    1. If I get some time, I will play that idea. I just hate to "copy" something already done, but a lot of times we get the same ideas. Can't always be totally avoided.
      I'm really glad you enjoyed it. It seems like the deeper into winter the Midwest goes down the rabbit hole, the weirder my posts get. If I can make anyone smile or laugh, at least that's a bonus!

  17. The only time I've had nitrous is at the dentist, probably a good thing!
    I'm with you about the bird!

  18. We had some of that thunder snow here in NYC too! After a weekend of 50 degree temps now it's going to projectile vomit snow again on us this week.

    My mood ring color is turning black!

    1. We have another Polar Vortex temperature plunge coming here. Can't remember about snow, I'm just focusing ahead to March. It's less than a week away. March > February. ALWAYS! For one thing: St. Patty's Day! Then ALL THE MOOD RINGS will be green! With green beer.

  19. Everyone says Sudafed makes them so hyper and happy... but it doesn't work for me! It actually makes me sleepy! A friend once suggested that this is because I have ADHD, so the stimulants in the Sudafed actually calm down my hyperness to the point where I need a nap. So not fair!

    1. I know that to be true, at least for some people. My son was diagnosed ADHD and when he drank Monster energy drink a few times, he got really tired. His friends thought he was pranking them. Sudafed affects people differently, it makes my sisters feel too hyper. They feel like their skin is crawling. I don't get that, I just feel GOOD! It's weird how different things affect people differently. Takes all kinds!

  20. Thank you, truly, for reminding me that a 10 lb ankle-biter of a dog can still grow a better beard than I can. :(

    1. I'm sorry, I did it again didn't I? Last week w/the kids, now the dogs. You probably don't want to tune in next week, I've already found some different animals with facial hair you're probably not going to be happy about.

  21. That dog looks SOOOO much better than Brad Pitt.
    I can't believe I'm saying that.

    1. I know right? I never thought I would say either, but there is the photographic evidence!

  22. SOOOOO This may be my favorite post IN LIFE!!!! Now that I have pissed myself, and spit out my coffee simultaneously....Thanks for that.....I really didn't think i could multi-task so well...anyway....Now that I have changed my shorts ( I don't wear shorts)....does it seem like I am all over the place with this comment?? It feels like I could be all over the place and good luck finding some sense up in here. I LOVE the beardy dogs. My favorite are dogs with eyebrows. I find dogs with eyebrows hilarious because they always look irritated. The ones with beards make me thing of Gandolph...all wise and regal and what not. but what about the dogs with eyebrows AND beards?? Do they even exist?? To Google I must go!!! AND Never google blue waffles. Or at least that is what I have been told.....See, I follow directions and I never did it. I don't actually follow directions! NO...I am NOT drunk commenting...it just seems like it. What I am really doing is I am ADD/ADHD commenting....

    1. Well now I'll be chatting with Google about dogs with eyebrows!
      I did look at the waffles, and texted my nephew (owner of that woodpecker bird) told him to check it out while we were watching him through the window. I wish we filmed his face. Rough stuff.

  23. I'm still convinced that beards only look good on adult male humans. Granted not on all adult male humans. But adult male human is the criteria to even try.
