
Glitter On My Taco Makes Me Thankful

Some people have Sunshine on their Shoulders, this week found me with rogue glitter on my taco. Hey man, it happens.
Those TINY DOTS are glitter
I should clarify this is the BASE of a taco, tortilla shell and some struggling sliced cheese because I didn't have any to shred. That happens, too. A lot. My phone doesn't photograph glitter well, sorry. I'm not even trying to have that Showgirls Package from T-Mobile right now.

I should also clarify why I was glittered. I received a package from the amazing Zoe Byrd of Rewritten-Redo blog. I'll be visiting her neck o' the woods, so she wanted to send me a walking guide. And a lap dance apparently, so she made it raaaain. Glitter. I filmed my opening of the package but, caution: It's SUPER exciting. Ask your doctor if your heart can stand the excitement.   
I closed that part up with candy pretty fast, kids are sugar crackheads. They did love the straw glasses, but it took some convincing to get them to try them on. Then Lola kept giving up before the water arrived at the destination gate. 

It was 86 degrees and 99% humidity that day. On my forehead especially. 

And my arms, so the glitter hung around, wouldn't leave, moved in, set up tents, had babies that were automatically naturalized citizens and applied for green cards. I'm still finding it all over Comfytown.
It's the most excitement I've had in quite awhile, so it's totally worth it. 
TINY DOTS of glitter

I'm looking forward to reading these books, learning about the rich history of Boston. History classes are wasted on teenagers, they're sooo stupid. Gawd. 

I'm Super Sized Thankful I get to finally visit this city, thanks to glomming on to my husband's business trip and transferring credit card points. So thankful for credit card points, we buy gas and whatnot with the American Express, pay it off (usually....okay, sometimes) and use the points for stuff like this because my patronis is Suzie Orzman. 

Thankful 2.0 to take any vacation of any kind before I fly over the Cuckoo's Nest with Nurse Ratchet. My vacation To Do list contains mostly: 
Sleeping in, 
taking siestas, 
meditating (which is a fancy way of saying laying around,) 
trying to score free meals,
and seeing whichever things from these books I can fit in between naps.

This post is part of the Ten Things of Thankful hop. Click here to join in and tell us what you're thankful for. Other than that stimulating video.

The internet provided a peek at a creature from Star Wars VII this week and I wagged my nerd tail hard. It's not all CGI, it's a good old Jim Henson-looking puppet! 
I already love him. CAN WE KEEP HIM? from nerdist.com
That's one of the many things I loved about the original series over the newer series. Give me puppet Yoda over that Matrix-ey smaller cartoonish blur. All that computer-generated frick and frack makes me want to shake my wrinkled fist at the big screen and yell: 
"Turn that racket down you whippersnappers!" 

That's worth more than 10, but also this glorious season of warming weather, leaves coming back to the trees...
...my kids being able to take their shoes off allatime again...
and OF COURSE for this 3-day weekend remembering the brave men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice to defend our freedom, which we all know isn't free. I put some thoughts together about that yesterday, with a recipe for Red, White and Blue Sangria. Thank you whoever pinned that joy juice into the world.



  1. you know I truly didnt even think of the glitter for you or Lizzi until you suggested perhaps that I might be that diabolical to do so.... well actually I think you quite innocently asked " You dont send glitter like Lizzi do you?" but diabolical sounds so much better.... I think Suzi Orman is my spirit animal.

    1. I really enjoyed watching Lizzi open hers, even if it was killing her to wait to open it :)
      The books are very interesting, thanks again, and we got a big kick out of the candy and straw! They're still using the stare but not wearing Tue glasses, kinda messy but they're having fun.

    2. Suzi is a bit of a baracuda of a financial advisor well known in the states.

    3. Ha, Lizzi! Totally worth it.

  2. Lucky you, you get to go to Boston AND meet Zoe? I'm jealous. No one ever wants to come to Joplin. I walked the Freedom Trail about 20 years ago when I had a short trip to Boston for my brother's wedding. Rode the T all by myself, having never been on a train in my life, walked all around the city, got lost only once trying to find my way back to the train station, and made it back in one piece. Have fun!
    I watched the video. May have to call the paramedics from the excitement :)

    1. I'm super excited. I would be TOTALLY excited to visit Joplin if I got to meet you! Not sure what else there is there, but who cares?! :) I heard it's difficult driving in Boston, so you're smart for walking and taking the train. Let's see if I can hold it together for a few days. (GPS, save me.) Sorry if that video gave you any heart palpitations!

    2. I will TOTALLY take you to get your picture with the real Mater, Lizzi. And Joy, too, if she wants to come visit. And Joy, my brother lived just north of Boston for a number of years and said the trick is NEVER to make eye contact with the other drivers, especially at 4-way stops. When I drove there, briefly, instead of taking the T, I did just that. Close your eyes and GO. Only way to survive the roundabouts. Or rotaries, as I think they are called there.

    3. That sounds like a super fun trip! Thanks for the driving advice, sounds a little like driving in Chicago. He who drives most aggressively has the Right of Way. We have ONE such circle, right where the original Comfytown is located, and it really took some getting used to. I used to call it "The Circle of Doubt." After awhile I learned that there's no time for who is next, if you see a tiny opening, TAKE IT. The other people will work around you, the worse thing you can do is wait until it's clear. It's NEVER clear with that many cars and streets in one place.

    4. Oh, and I forgot to say, I've been thinking the title of your post meant glitter got spilled onto your lap and ended up on your, um, personal taco. HOW DID I NOT SEE THE PICTURE OF THE REAL TACO AT THE TOP OF THE POST? Glad I got that cleared up!

    5. hahaha well the ACTUAL photo is not very eye-catching, all beige/white tortilla, white cheese and the glitter isn't captured by my phone camera. I was hoping people were thinking the other thing, it's much more funny!

  3. Ah, lucky you that your husband has to go to Boston. It is one city I really want to visit. Unfortunately, my sister in law lives there, so any trip would have to include lots of time with her. The only thing we have in common is we don't have anything in common.
    Enjoy your trip. Truer words have never been spoken. History classes are wasted on youth. I hated that class in school, but I am a complete history fanatic now.

    1. It's been on my invisible list as well. You would have to travel there under an assumed name :)
      That same history thing holds true for a lot of people. I wish they just really skimmed over things at the high school level and taught practical life skills like BANKING, personal finances, how to use public transportation and I'm not against bringing back Home Ec, or whatever they called it. EVERYONE needs to know basic survival skills, that is much more important in my opinion.

  4. as you fly into to Boston, look out the window to the right…once you see Long Island, right above it is Narragansett Bay, the beginning of which (sorta) is where Wakefield (of the Wakefield Doctrine) is!
    yes, I can imagine the excitement in Comfytown, as the possibility of seeing the fabled Town from a mere 6 or 7 miles up in the air begins to sink in!

    1. I'll be on the edge of my seat, waving frantically! I'm sure you'll see me, so wave back.

  5. I walked part of the Freedom Trail in the summer of 1997. I was more interested in the fact that Bostonians really do have the accent. lol

    1. It's my goal to make someone say "wicked dahk" or at least "chow'dah" while I'm there. I'll try to take a video.

    2. If you want I can recite " I Pahked the cah in Haaaavard Yaaaard," while you suck down chowda.

  6. I do think one of the things that hurt the more recent Star Wars movies was that it was too much CGI. I'm not a Star Wars expert, though, so I'll leave it up to the fans...but it does seem like going old school will make the fans happier. Boston sounds like a fun trip. I love to tag along on my husband's business trips!

    1. You're right about SW, and now of course they put a lot more stuff for kids in the movies, true fans hate goofy characters like JarJar. They're still better than most other movies to me :)
      Free vacations are our only option so we jump on the chance!

  7. I have a seven year old who sleeps, eats, breaths, and everything else star wars. I love it. And I hate it.

    You pull off straw glasses quite well. I think you could wear them pretty much always.

    And as far as meditation goes...I need more of it. Lots more.

    Enjoy your trip!

    1. I'm pretty jealous that your son loves Star Wars, MY son watched the movies and played an Attactix game we bought, but it wasn't his favorite. He was just playing along to make us happy.
      I need more meditation, too. I don't do it the classic way, it's just a matter of thinking of ONE thing and then just letting my mind wander, no music, no books, no people talking. THAT is so rare these days!

  8. Even before I read the first sentence, I was singing in my head, "GLIT-TER. . .on my TA-CO. . makes me THANK-FUL." Then I read your John Denver reference and thought, "Wow! How did she convey a tune with just one post title?" Well done!

    1. I could NOT remember who sang the song, thank you. It just popped in there when I started typing "...on my taco..." My mind is weird :)

  9. For a minute there, I thought that 'glitter on my taco' was a euphemism for something else.
    thanks for the picture of the of the new Star Wars creation. He's adorable.

    1. That's what I was going for. I have found when I put words like "sexy" in the title of posts, even when I was referring to a penis-shaped storm front on a weather map, it draws mad traffic! People are pervs. I like that in my people!
      I LOVE that guy. Cannot wait for this movie, I don't care if it's Disney and they have tons of kids stuff. Disney Star Wars is better than NO Star Wars!

  10. "Glitter is the herpes of the craft world" - Demetri Martin

    As someone who's eaten at Taco Bell before, I think glitter in your tacos is the least awful thing you could find crawling around in there...

    Also, I'm glad I'm not the only adult who's cheering for the return of puppets.

    1. Totally.
      Puppet Yoda kicks all forms of ass over CGI Yoda. That Matrix-ey fight scene was cool and all, but it just doesn't compare to the "first meeting him" scene.

  11. In this case, Lizzi? I would be VERY GLAD you didn't get that reference! Not only is this a really OLD song (Sunshine on my Shoulders Makes Me Happy) but it's a really awful song. I'm sure most Muricans don't know the song, and they should be glad! :) "woo whoop" face? hahha YES they were totally fun, I love any mail that isn't a bill and especially awesome GIFTS! with CANDY! woo hoo! BEST!
    I go to Boston June 7-11th. I've never been a huge history buff, but it is interesting to learn about the early stages of this country. That area is chock FULL of rich American history, you know being New England.
    I WILL keep the Star Wars, I love that crap!

  12. Saw the title of your post on the link up and thought---there are just so many ways this could go. Gotta say that you enjoying liquid refreshment through a giant eyeglass crazy straw was not where I thought we were headed, but I am glad we did. Fun!

    1. Ha. I would love to be as perverted as I used to be, but I'm just too damn tired. Mayhaps one day again. Stay tuned!
      Thanks for reading and commenting anyway!

  13. Best title ever. You're right history is wasted on teenagers. Have fun in Boston. I've always wanted to go.

    1. It seems like any time I use a word like "sexy" I get more clicks. I like perverts, I hope to be one again someday.
      I've always wanted to go, too. Can't wait to try the "chowda!"

  14. Oh gosh! You too? I watched Lizzi's glitterbomb video as well... you two are brave. I'll do all manner of madness but explode glitter in my house? Fugedaboutit.

    1. THAT is why I went outside to open it! It still stuck to my arms, clothing and the books and got all over. Which is fine, I could use a little sparkle, but that crap is HARD to get rid of! Strippers don't get near enough credit in this world.
