
Showering at the Park and Disney at Hogwarts

I love a good mashup. Ever been curious to know how Disney characters would be sorted by house at Hogwarts? 
You are now. Click *HERE* to read the full story.
from hitfix.com 
I had some non-superbig-fun but non-invasive medical tests this week, thankfully nothing serious. I'm somehow low in vitamin D despite a mulitivitamin, extra vitamin D pills and drinking milk. My body needs the D! Ooor it just doesn't work right. Thankfully in the waiting room I got a moment to FINALLY crack open Janet Evanovich's "Takedown Twenty." 

So there goes writing and/or blogging for the rest of the week until I'm done catching up with Stephanie, Lula (my spirit animal) and crazy Grandma Mazur.

Except for this post, which is part of the Ten Things of Thankful. Click here to join in and tell us what you're thankful for this week. Even if it's sarcastic, we can take it.
Warmer weather, being outside, the new trampoline and parks are keeping my kids busy and wiping them out. 

They're exhausted at the end of the day, and they've been sleeping in! Well, kid sleeping in, which is 7-7:30a.m.

Wednesday we were at "Sunny park" you may remember as the closest park from Lola's Park Reviews, and somehow, someway the water fountain was broken/rigged/upgraded depending on how you look at it, to spray water a few feet up in the air. It was my kids' best day in a long time. They got soaked, hydrated and bathed all while playing. Bonus.

Their sleeping in Wednesday morning allowed me to an extra timely post about my (ranty) thoughts about Mother's Day

And that post allowed me to find THIS mesmerizing picture, of a bologna rose. If you need to swear but you can't swear, say "Bologna roses!" You're welcome for this inspiration for your next fancy brunch centerpiece-slash-entree, and/or your next tattoo.
Thanks Pinterest. Stay classy.
I'm thankful that since my mother doesn't make a huge deal of our birthdays, we don't feel obligated to make a big deal of Mother's Day. My sister, Moe, has a fantastic cookout at her house, thank all the gods. 

Thankful to the moon and back for my sisters, who have helped me more than I can express and given me good examples of modern Mom-ing, with style, flair, booze, cigarettes and taking ZERO crap about any of that. From their kids or anyone else. I wouldn't have made it this far, with everyone in tact, without that. That is fo' sho'.

Anyway, now on Mother's Day we meet up, smoke, drink and whatnot, but we don't have to buy elaborate (or any) presents. In fact, in 2008 I got married to my husband Mother's Day weekend in Vegas. 

If you want to plan a Vegas weekend, hotels and airfare are pretty cheap that weekend. Surprisingly people who fly to Vegas tend not to go as often that weekend. I know, I was a little shocked too. So that makes May 10th our SIXTH wedding anniversary. Somehow he can still stand me. Or he puts on a good show anyway. Meh, either way.

I'm also thankful our anniversary is by Mother's Day or I would completely forget. Actually I still do forget. I'm not a dates person. Plus it's just the legal part of it, who cares? We had already decided to start a life together, that's all that counts.

Counts for more than 10 in and of itself. 
This is our wedding picture, with my FIL, my Diane-in-law (FIL's girlfriend) and Elvis. Because OF COURSE Elvis was there. I love how the king is looking at my husband singing.

Hope you had a great weekend, whatever it means to you.


  1. Two things come to mind here....
    1. A hooker who eats donuts by the dozen and shoots missiles in jersey parking lots is of course my hero!
    2.instead of MF*****....we always holler Martha Stewart!

    Happy Anniversary!

    1. Agreed. There's just something about Lula. Even though all these books are pretty much the same, there is something very milkshake about them. You know they're not the best thing you can throw down, but it's a quick, fun time.
      Martha Stewart? Hmmmm, I'll try it. The first thing I think of when I hear her name is an appearance she made decades ago on Conan O'Brien, he thought it would be funny to make her eat Taco Bell and drink a 40 oz. malt liquor, but she did, and she loved it.

  2. OMG, I ALWAYS forget our anniversary. And the year we were married. I need to write it down somewhere. I LOVE that your anniversary is close to Mother's Day. And that Elvis was there. Remind me to tell you about a story of a Bachelor/Bachelorette party that my husband and I threw and both dressed up like Elvis.

    1. That sounds like an amazing story. I feel like the anniversary of the day we were married is a stupid thing to celebrate. It's just a legal document, and until everyone who wants to get married CAN get married, the whole thing kind of pisses me off. We celebrate October, which is when we started dating, but of course both of us suck so neither of us remembers the exact date. We're pretty sure it was mid-month, closer to Halloween than not. So yeah, there you go.

  3. I have no doubt that drinking fountain was loads of fun. My kids would be all over it. And the bologna rose? I know exactly who to make it for. :)

    1. They would not STOP showering in the fountain. Another mom took her kids and left, I guess she didn't want her kids to get wet. Oh well.
      I may have come close to a lunchmeat flower. My husband (possibly joking?) made breakfast on Sunday, and said "We didn't have toothpicks for a bologna rose." We also don't have bologna, so I'm hoping he was kidding.
      Hope you had a great weekend!

  4. A Vegas Elvis wedding! How cool! I know a couple who had a Vegas Star Trek wedding, LOL! I like to see people having fun on their big day!

    1. That is so awesome! We were looking into options like that in Vegas. I also love Star Trek. I can't remember if that was booked, or too expensive, or what the deal was. We also looked into a pirate wedding, but that was pretty expensive. And also an all-day deal with elaborate costumes. Pass. We considered the drive-thru wedding, we just wanted to make it legal and get on with our day. And back to the casinos.

  5. Takedown Twenty is out? Egads! I haven't read Nineteen! I don't know how I got behind; I LOVE Stephanie Plum. Just the number series, though. Don't care one bit for the "filler" novels.

    The bologna rose reminds me of a cookbook I have about food trends from the 1920's or so forward.

    I've never read nor watched Harry Potter anything....

    1. Her other novels are horrible! Same with Patricia Cornwell. Her ME series is amazing, but her other books? SO WEIRD. I don't want to know what some crazy cat is thinking, give me more of the day of Medical Examiner who has a crazy stalker who thinks he's a werewolf, thanks.
      That DOES remind me of those old cookbooks! Totally.
      Harry Potter books are amazing. If you have to go on a long car ride or train/plane/whatever, get the audiobooks. Jim Dale reads them, and his voice is lovely. Great, creative stories.

  6. I just read Notorious Nineteen a couple months ago. I wait for them to be in paperback, so I will keep my eyes open for it in paperback. The shit that comes out of Grandma Mazur's mouth cracks me up!!

    1. Grandma Mazur is hilarious. I love what she does at the viewings that are closed casket.....
      (I hate those too!)

  7. Thank you! You're the best, I love cake. We had no cake yesterday....hrrmppfff! I shall have to remedy this situation immediately! Thanks :D

  8. Happy anniversary! As things would have it my three year wedding anniversary is next week, and we're spending it in Vegas of all places. Go figure.

    Also, each time we go to Vegas we make it a goal to try to find a black Elvis. So far... no luck. But we know he has to exist somewhere, dammit!

    1. Well like they say "Vegas is for lovers" or is that Oregon? Meh, either way. You kids have fun!
      I've seen that on TV, not in person. We've also seen a LOT of Asian Elvis the last few times we've gone, must be a big trend. One caution: If some Elvis, or any person in costume or otherwise, appears to be just casually walking around, if you take a picture with that person, they will all but demand you pay them. They only say it AFTER you take the picture, and try to make you feel guilty. If it's worth it, pay it. If not, tell them you're deleting the picture and they need to start telling people BEFORE they take a picture. Or just beat them up and take their wallet, it's the only way they'll learn really. Have fun!

  9. Happy Anniversary!! Many, many more to you! The wedding pic is stupendous.....Elvis!!
    I am a low vitamin D person too and am supposed to take extra, but I always forget. I am out in the sun all the time, I must have caught up by now...
    The bologna rose is freakin' me out a little....I keep looking at it....
    My kids would have been right there with yours in the water fountain! Any excuse to get wet :)

    1. My doctor said a lot of people are low in Vitamin D now, not sure why other than our increased use of sunscreen.
      I know, I was mesmerized by the bologna rose!
      I hope no one fixed the fountain, they can't wait to go back. If it will ever stop raining that is.

  10. I LOVE THIS!!! you are a RIOT and I love that you are real and embrace it with your sisters!! AMEN to THAT girl!! I love that you got married in Vegas and you are too cute for words... :)

    Such a GREAT thankful list to read... and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY (a few days late now- ugh)

    I kinda gagged at that bologna rose. Just sayin'.

    1. Thank you! The idea of planning a wedding makes my skin crawl. I'd rather have a root canal, at least they give you good drugs. In Vegas they did it ALL: I"m talking limo, wedding video, flowers, Elvis, everything for about $300! That's what I'm talkin bout.
      Yeah, the bologna rose is ... uniquely odd.

  11. Happy Anniversary! A Vegas wedding with Elvis is classic. That's the way to get married!

    I wish someone would give me a bologna rose!

    1. Vegas wedding was our only hope, it had ti be cheap and fun, like us.
      Somehow you make Cologne Rose sound less nauseating and more perfectly perverse.
