
How To Halloween: You're Welcome

You're welcome, Internet.

Today in the Midwest we're expecting SNOW. Because of course we are. Here's a simple way to keep warm while walking your goblins begging for cheap candy.

Or if you're like my friend Kally and don't like hot liquids (her words, not mine) here is another way to keep hydrated. On any day, but especially Halloween.

Don't forget my old stand-by go to travel flask:
The Capri-Sun large size with the top that PERFECTLY FITS a flask funnel. Coincidence? No flippin way.
I named my flask 'iPod' so I could say:
"I'll be ready to go as soon as I fill my iPod"

If you're looking for cheap, easy costumes dress as your mom. KIDDING. Probably. I have a whole Pinterest board for easy DIY homemade costumes with items around your house. And/or a quick trip to the Goodwill, where I get 99% of my costumes. And clothes. And housewares. And toys....

Here is a post I wrote about that last year. Click that sentence for a link to EASY costumes, with lots of stuff you have lying around your house.

Speaking of that, here's the costume I thunked up this week.
I'm going as a Basic Witch. Instead of a Basic Bitch. Google it.

I should really get a Starbuck's cup, but that would more than double the price of my costume. 

What are you going as?

Happy Haunting!


  1. I still get pissy with my friend for not cluing me in on the magic of a to-go cup for trick or treating until the last year I had to do it.

    1. Hahaha my family and friends have been packing "roadies" since I was knee-high to a grasshopper. Not just on holidays, every day!

  2. Now that's MY kinda coffee! Have a super Halloween! I'm off now to read your post from last year.

  3. Would you believe that in my right hand, I actually have a cup of coffee with Baileys? It seems that alcoholic minds think alike. Right, I'm off to switch off all my lights and sit in the dark until the little goblins pass on by.

    1. I believe it and I'm happy you got a treat! Hope the noble goblins don't give you any tricks!

  4. Joy, these are freaking awesome! One of my blogger friends, Vanessa D., read my post about the 5 reasons I hate Halloween, and she gave me some ideas like this. Knowing me (even just the cyber-me), you would think I'd have thought of this already. But I never had! I didn't feel like going to the effort of hiding my "Happy Halloween," thought, so my friend and I just said screw it all and walked around the 'hood with bottles of Shock Top Schockolate beer. YUM. And can you believe, I didn't hate Halloween as much this year??

    1. In my family, we make every day "Happy" in this way. Last summer I did a post about the Capri-Sun bags. A flask funnel TOTALLY fits perfectly inside the blow hole. You can't really walk around with a regular flask where I live, for some ungodly reason. Probably because kids, but I know plenty of adults who don't have kids that sticks up their butts. So you have to hide it by cutting up a soda can and putting the tin around a beer can or something. It's a little more work, but totally worth it.

  5. Best part: large capri sun top that perfectly fits a flask funnel. Probably one of the best kept secrets and clearly designed for the grown-ups. What a great way to "enjoy" (if that's even possible) Halloween. Clever post, girl!

    1. Right?! This cannot be a coincidence. Let's all work together to make a better tomorrow. TEAMWORK.

  6. I have a friend who says You can hide a lot in a Sonic cup....

    1. YES! I also saw that the largest size cup at Starbuck's fits a WHOLE BOTTLE of wine. Which seems like a crazy amount of coffee to carry around, but obviously it's just for the re-filling purposes.

  7. It was pretty good, despite the SNOW. That's Chicago though, you never know what you're going to get. We're used to it. It's coats over costumes, or I buy BIGGER costumes at the Goodwill so that long pants and sweatshirts can fit UNDER the costumes. Thanks, glad you liked it. Hope you had some cake or something.
